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Despite its long and widespread use in alcohol dependence
treatment, there are few controlled clinical trials. In recent reviews,
disulfiram was reported to reduce the number of drinking days and
reduce the quantity of alcohol consumed, but not increase
abstinence (Hughes and Cook, 1997; Garbutt et al., 1999) (1b).
However, there was diversity in the subjects studied and methodologies
used, making comparisons and recommendations difficult.
Witnessing, or supervising, the taking of disulfiram is important
for its efficacy (Chick et al., 1992; Hughes and Cook, 1997;
Slattery et al., 2003) (1a). When prescribed with no supervision,
disulfiram is no better than basic support. There is little evidence
to guide how long patients should receive disulfiram but, generally,
3–6 months is advocated, or for as long any benefits are
Evidence does not support the use of disulfiram implants,
although there are now newer formulations that may deliver higher
doses of disulfiram (Hughes and Cook et al., 1997; Garbutt et
al., 1999) (1b).
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is the most ubiquitous form of
self-help group available worldwide. Project MATCH found AA
attendance predicted a better long-term outcome, particularly
in those lacking a non-drinking support network (Project
MATCH, 1998). However, a meta-analysis of randomized and
non-randomized trials showed that attending AA resulted in worse
outcomes than comparator treatments or no treatment (Kownacki
and Shadish, 1999). Critically, this result was heavily influenced
by trials in which patients were mandated to attend AA. In light of
this, Slattery et al. (2003) gave a strong recommendation that
patients should be introduced to AA, and encouraged to attend, but
not mandated to attend.
Дисульфирам назначают в разнообразных комбинациях с другими, в основном, психоактивными веществами, но не "кодируют с провокацией", как это практикуется в странах экс-СССР. Сожалею, если тебе "не по зубам" АА, то обратись просто к наркологу/аддиктологу, таблеточки назначат, детокс и реабилитацию проведут. А там, глядишь, и controlled drinking'у научат- результат неясен.
Одно могу обещать однозначно: "лёгкого пути" типа "укола на 5 лет, с провокацией" не будет и в России. Результат любого лечения (как и посещений АА) будет зависеть от твоего желания:
захочешь бросить, мотивация появится и желание искреннее- обязательно бросишь. Пока не напилась- будешь пить; зависимость так просто никого не отпустит- к старым временам возврата нет.
Спасибо, Коллега. Действительно, спасибо тебе за все эти распечатки. Я, как ты понимаешь, всё это уже проходила. И Детокс и психологов с психиатрами, а такой профессии, как нарколог, здесь не существует. Я только не была в Rehab, но всегда очень хотела. Просто не могу себе это позволить, но не по деньгам, а я всё-таки работаю. И работу свою люблю, бросить её не могу. Дети хоть уже в принципе и взрослые (младшему уже 13), но дом тоже оставить надолго не могу. А там нужно провести, самое маленькое, пол года. Пока не могу.
Ну ничего, сейчас утро и мне получше, чем вчера. Вчера сдержалась и не выпила. Может, сбегаю сегодня в АА. Туда можно ходить хоть целый день. В разных раёнах и в разное время. Мне с этим очень повезло. Я знаю, что мне там будут реально рады. Мне, правда, очень стыдно. Все пять лет, сколько их знаю, регулярно срываюсь. Но там то поймут. Как и здесь. Но на укол всё-таки, если чего, придётся поехать... Заодно и с родственниками пообщаюсь. Они про мои проблеммы не знают. Позорище то какое. Это здесь мне не стыдно, все свои. Ладно, Коллегочка, настроение хорошее, не спохмелья, будем жить. Ещё раз спасибо за поддержку. Побежала на работу. НЕ СПОХМЕЛьЯ!!!! Еге ге гей!!!!
Controlled Drinking for Whom?
Simon Lenton
Article first published online: 29 MAY 2009
DOI: 10.1080/09595238780000241 onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1080...38780000241/pdf
1987 Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs

The answer to the question: “Is this person suitable for controlled drinking?” is seen as a process of ongoing assessment, decision making and re-evaluation rather than a discrete one-off decision. Certain variables have bеen demonstrated as predictive of a controlled drinking versus an abstinence treatment goal and these are considered with respect to their likely role in the decision making process. The wishes and attitude of the client and significant others are considered of primary importance. Severity of drinking symptoms, although important, is less predictive than age and employment status at intake although there is a significant interaction between these variables. Successful controlled drinkers tend to have lower prior levels of alcohol consumption. Past periods of abstinence or control are important in goal choice but can be misleading. Cognitive impairment and life threatening physical damage are strong contraindicators of a controlled drinking treatment goal. It is concluded that the wishes of the client and significant others are of upmost importance in deciding for whom controlled drinking.

The University of Sydney News www.usyd.edu.au/news/84.html?newsstoryid=183

Innovative controlled drinking program up for national award
26 May 2005
A program to reduce excessive drinking in the community, the Correspondence Treatment Program, has bеen selected as a finalist in the National Drug and Alcohol Awards.

The State-wide program to reduce excessive drinking in the community: the correspondence treatment program has bеen nominated for the National Drug and Alcohol Award’s ‘Excellence in Treatment’ category.

Participants in the Sydney University Program, which is funded by NSW Health, receive tailor-made personalised information on how to manage several high-risk situations including low mood, cravings, social situations, and binge drinking. In addition participants receive information that promotes life-style changes and prevents relapse.

The National Drug and Alcohol Awards celebrate exceptional work in the field of alcohol and drug prevention and provides an opportunity to encourage, recognise and celebrate Australian achievements to prevent and reduce drug use and associated harms.

A Prime Minister’s Award will also be presented at the ceremony taking place in Sydney at the end of National Drug Action Week, on June 24.

Associate Professor Sitharthan Thiagarajan, Director of the Australian Centre for Addiction Research, said today that being selected as a finalist from among entries from across Australia was important recognition for the program.

“This nomination provides us with the opportunity to reflect on our achievements in assisting people from all over Australia to cut down their drinking and in particular women and people from rural areas,” Associate Professor Sitharthan Thiagarajan.

“It also assists us to share our knowledge with similar organisations across Australia which helps reduce the effects of drug and alcohol use.”
For further information contact:
Jake O'Shaughnessy
ph: +61 2 9351 4312
m: 0421 617861
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